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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Acts 24:15
This content is part of a series.

What Lies Beyond the Grave? (6 of 6)
Series: Life's Big Questions
Jeff Schreve
Acts 24:15

Amen. What a great time to worship, to honor those who have given their lives and we give the Lord praise for all of that.

How many have been to a cemetery in the last year? Anybody been to a cemetery in the last year? Many of us. You know, what you see at cemeteries, you see lots of tombstones. They just line the landscape of a cemetery. They're important, because it's kind of like a last little testimony about this person's life. Now some are just very straightforward. They give the name, and they give the dates. But some tombstones are humorous. They go out of their way to try and give a message that would be funny for people who pass by.

Rodney Dangerfield, the great, comedian, has on his tombstone, ''There goes the neighborhood.'' That sounds like Rodney Dangerfield, who could never get any respect.

How about this one, Sue Rangle: ''I told you I was sick.'' She probably told them for years.

I thought this one was interesting. His name was Arthur Spanks. ''Arthur Spanks his wife Kathryn.'' That's probably why he's dead. But, you're not supposed to do that.

Here is Charlotte Eves. ''Here lies Charlotte Eves, died October 27, 1881. She lived each day as if it were her last, especially this one.''

And then sometimes you can see bitterness come out on the tombstone, as a man named Mr. Wallace. When he did the tombstone for his wife, it said this: ''The children of Israel wanted bread, and the LORD sent them manna. Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife, and the devil sent him Anna.'' I think there was a little in parenthesis, ''RIP, darling,'' you know it's amazing.

But the thing about a graveyard, the thing about tombstones, headstones, they just remind us that death comes to everyone. Death comes to everyone. I believe it was Mark Twain who said that death is the great leveler. No matter how much money you have, you can't escape the Grim Reaper. Death ...

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