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FILLED! (2 OF 17)

by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 2:1-10
This content is part of a series.

Filled! (2 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus?
Collin Wimberly
John 2:1-10

CIT - Jesus changes the water to wind to reveal the emptiness of Jewish ritual and religion.
Proposition: People today do not need the emptiness of what this world offers, but the fullness of Jesus.


Read the passage


One early spring afternoon, I had an opportunity that I had asked God for many times, I had a chance to share the gospel with Doogan. Now Doogan was one of the most loved me in the community. He would do anything in the world for you. But, he would not come to church, and did not profess to be a Christian. I explained the Gospel to him, and asked him if he would like to receive Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior. I'll never forget his reply, ''I've already tried the church thing preacher, and it didn't work for me. '' I didn't know what to say. Did he mean that he tried Jesus and Jesus had failed him? No, he had tried religion and church attendance. He had tried dressing right and saying all the right things, and they had left him empty and dry. He had watched people around him do all the same religious things and live out dead and dry lives that were no different than his own. Religion, not Jesus had left him disappointed.

Some of you can relate. The routine of being a good Baptist has left you high and dry. You don't have joy in Jesus. Even Bible study and prayer have left you empty. The purpose and joy of the Christian life has been replaced with busyness and activity. You might be ready to give up and quit.

What Scripture will teach us this morning is that Jesus came to fill you. He came that you might have life. He came to give you a life of meaning and purpose. He came that you might be Filled!


This was the first week of Jesus' public ministry. It had been intense. Jesus is in Cana of Galilee. This has been and will continue to be a very familiar place for Jesus. It is only a few miles from his c ...

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