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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 3:22-24
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Believer's baptism (5 of 17)
Series: Baptism
Collin Wimberly
John 3:22-24

CIT - Jesus and the John the Baptist are busy baptizing.

Proposition - Believers today must understand what baptism is and be baptized in obedience to Christ.


The following is from a USA Today article detailing the decline of water baptism in many American churches:

There are now baptism-style ceremonies where God is never mentioned by parents seeking to initiate their children into a world of all faiths, says Ema Drouillard of San Francisco, who runs the website conducted such an event for Kirsten and Farnum _______ of Marin County, California, for their baby, Greer, in 1998. ''We just wanted a larger spirit to guide our daughter, but we didn't want to get specific. I wanted all her bases covered,'' says Kirsten.

The couple grew up Presbyterian, but now ''we just do Christianity L-I-T-E'' for Greer, who ''believes in angels and fairies, leprechauns and Santa Claus.''Cathy Lynn Grossman, ''Rite of Baptism Trickles Away,'' USA Today (4-13-06), 2D

I. THE MANDATE FOR BAPTISM - A mandate is a command. The first thing that I want you to notice is that Baptism is not an optional aspect of the Christian life.

ILLUS: Young man in Pickton, Tx. He professed faith in Christ, yet had never been baptized. He simply did not understand why it was important. Some of you may be saved and yet not been scripturally baptized. Listen Baptism is commanded. It is expected.

- Historical background of the passage. In the Judean countryside.Vs. 23 - At Aenon, near Salim. Aenon means ''Springs of water.'' Probably in the Jordan valley, near Beth Shan.

At first glance it seems that Jesus is doing the baptizing, but John 4:2 makes it clear that his disciples are doing the baptizing.

Granted, Baptism is the not the major theme in vs. 22-36. Next week we will treat the passage as a whole. However, it is good for us to pause here a while and c ...

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