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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 4:46-54
This content is part of a series.

Believing is seeing (6 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus?
Collin Wimberly
John 4: 46-54

CIT: Jesus healed the nobleman's son and exposed the nature of true faith.

PROPOSITION: Because Jesus is the Son of God we place our faith in His word.

INTRODUCTION: Have you ever heard the phrase - Seeing is Believing. That means you need to see something before you can accept that it really exists or occurs.The other day my son said, Dad, I'm going to clean my room.'' Yeah, well, I believe it when I see it. What if I told that when it comes to Spiritual matters, the reverse is often true. Seeing is believing. Without belief, without faith, we will never see God perform the miracles that he wishes to work in our lives.

BACKGROUND: This is the second time we find Jesus in Galilee, specifically in the town of Cana. This is the same town Jesus performed his first sign of changing the water to wine. Previous to this Jesus has traveled to the city of Sychar in Samaria, where he encountered the woman at the well. Jesus performed no signs or miracles in Sychar that we know of, yet the people there proclaimed him to be ''The Christ, the savior of the world.'' The people of Sychar are wonderful illustrations of belief.However, Jesus is not honored as savior in the land of Israel. The people of Galilee receive him, yet they do not honor him as the Christ, the savior of the World. They only see him as a miracle worker, a novelty, or rather intriguing figure. As Jesus enters Galilee he encounters a nobleman with a heart-breaking story and plea for help.

BURDEN: In this passage Jesus will reveal the nature of true faith. What does it means when we sing have faith in God; He's on his throne. Does God still work in miraculous ways? Can you and I really learn to walk in faith?


A desperate crisis in the life of this man prompts his faith.

1) Basilikos- a Nobleman who was most likely in the service of Herod An ...

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