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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 4:1-26, John 4:28-30
This content is part of a series.

How to Share Your Faith (7 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus?
Collin Wimberly
John 4:1-30

C.I.T.-Jesus witness to the Samaritan woman that He is the Messiah.
Proposition- Christians should study the methods of the greatest evangelist of all time, Jesus Christ.


ILLUS: When I first started playing ball in junior High School, my hero was John Perkins. He was a senior, and the best ball player in the state. I tried to walk like him, talk like him, shoot free-throws like him. I copied him as best I could. Why? Because he was successful, he was the best!

When it comes to personal evangelism, Jesus is far and away the greatest, the best. I think we would do well to study some of his techniques tonight and then to emulate him. To be like Jesus.

Five principles from the life and ministry of Jesus, the Master Evangelist.

I. BE AVAILABLE -VS.1-7 Vs. 4- He needed to go to Samaria. Jesus was conscious of fulfilling His Father's plan. John 4:34- ''My food is to do the will of God.''He was surrendered to His Father's will. Because of this he took the opportunities that God placed in His path. These are divine appointments. People placed in our paths by God for the purpose of ministry and evangelism. Vs. 46- The nobleman's son 5:1- The paralytic man, John 8- the woman caught in adultery ESP- John 9:1 ''As he passed by he saw a man who blind from birth

However these were some barriers that Jesus had to cross!

A. RACE- She was a Samaritan, from the village of Sychar. ''After the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom, many non-jews were brought into the area. There was intermarriage. Racism isn't a bad habit; it's not a mistake; it's a sin. The answer is not sociology; it's theology.

-- Anthony Evans, pastor and author. Leadership, Vol. 17

B. RELIGION- They began to worship at Mt.Gerizim, and considered only the Pentateuch authoritative. They were considered heretics.

C. RANK- ''For a Jewish man to speak to a woman in public. L ...

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