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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 5:25-28
This content is part of a series.

How to Beat Death (9 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus?
Collin Wimberly
John 5:25-28

CIT - Jesus teaches that belief in Him is the key to eternal life.
Proposition - We can only have eternal life through faith in Jesus.

INTRODUCTION: This may seem like a strange sermon for Father's Day. Yet, I can think of nothing more appropriate for men than to consider for a moment their eternal destiny.

''Of all the issues that face humanity, none is more relevant, more pressing, more terrifying, than the issue of death. '' John Phillips

LLUS: Man who wanted to preserve his legacy after he died. He wanted to ''live on'' in people's minds - built a website for people who die.

Famous atheist - we live forever through our DNA and the memories of those who love us.

Craig Venter, gentistist trying to cure death by research on DNA.

But, is that any kind of real answer to the issue of death and eternity? Is it possible to beat death?

I. RECEIVE CHRIST TODAY - VS. 25-26..Very truly - Amen, Amen. A way of saying, This is important. Pay attention! An hour is coming and now is - Jesus is speaking in these verses both about things to come and things present.Now is the time to receive Christ. Now is the day to be saved. Jesus will explain both why we need to be saved and how we are saved.

A. ALL HUMANITY IS SPIRITUALLY DEAD - ''The dead. . . '' Who is Jesus speaking of? In this context and this verse, he is not speaking of physical death, but spiritual death.''

All people who do not know Christ as their Lord and Savior are spiritually dead. ''People apart from God are spiritual zombies, the walking dead who do not know they are dead. They go through the motions of life, but they do not possess it.

Eph. 2:1,5 -You were dead in your sins and trespasses. Col. 2:3, I John 3:14 - We have passed out of death into life.

This means to be separated from God because of our sin. One who is spiritually dead is unresponsive to the things of God and una ...

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