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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 6:1-7, John 6:9-15
This content is part of a series.

Little Is Much When God Is in It (10 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus?
Collin Wimberly
John 6:1-15

CIT: Jesus demonstrates that He is the son of God by feeding the multitude with 5 loaves and two fish.

PROPOSITION: Jesus can take the little that we have and use it to accomplish much.

PURPOSE: To motivate people to give to Jesus their talents and abilities so that he might accomplish great things through them.


ILLUS: I heard about a Sunday school teacher who was trying to illustrate to her boys and girls the dangers of drinking alcohol. So she filled up two glasses, one with water and one with alcohol. Then she pulled out some earthworms she had dug up and dropped some of them into the water. The worms just swam around that water; and had a great time.

Then she dropped some earthworms into that glass of alcohol and, before long, those earthworms curled up and died. She said, ''Now boys and girls, what does this teach us?'' One little boy spoke up and said, ''I know what it teaches. If you have worms drink a lot of alcohol.''

Now as we study this miracle, if we're not careful, then, like that little class, we too can miss the point all together.

This morning we are going to see just what God can do with a little bit of nothing. I think we'll find out that he can do something with us if we'll let him! We will discover 4 principles of ministry that teach us ''Little is much, when God is in it!''


BACKGROUND- Jesus is seeking a place for Rest and relaxation with his disciples. They have just finished a successful preaching tour, so they take a retreat to the Golan heights. The crowd was following Jesus not because they thought of Him as the Messiah, but because they were curious about his miracle working power. In fact, they had run around the lake just to catch up to the Lord and the disciples. Jesus has compassion on them, and spends the rest of the day ministering to them. ...

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