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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 6:16-21
This content is part of a series.

When God Comes Near (11 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus
Collin Wimberly
John 6:16-21

CIT - Jesus displays his divinity to the disciples when he walks on the water.
Proposition_ In the midst of our struggles Jesus comes to us.

INTRODUCTION: Read the passage.This morning we are going to study one of the most memorable miracles of Jesus' ministry. He will walk on the water and will further reveal that He is the Son of God, and give us some encouraging truths for facing the storms and trials of our lives.


- Context - This has been another busy day of ministry for Jesus and the Disicples. Jesus had taken a few small loaves and two fish and fed 5,000 people.
- The crowd has grown restless. IT started with a few, than began to run like wildfire through this crowd that Jesus was the promised one. The great deliver. This is the one who will deliver us from the Romans. He will make Jerusalem great again.
- They had visions of a great warrior-King who lead Israel to freedom.
- John 6:14-15 - The excitement of the crowd is growing, dangerously growing. They want to make him King. By force if necessary.
- Even the disciples are starting to get caught up in the political frenzy of the crowd. They believed in Jesus. They had seen His miracles. He should be the King, the reasoned. He is the Messiah, the promised one.
- They all missed the point. Jesus did not come to set up an earthly Kingdom and overthrow the Romans. He came to being the Kingdom of God near and to overthrow Satan, sin and death at the cross!
- Jesus separates the disciples from the crowd and forces them, compels them to get into a boat and strike out across the Sea of Galilee, to a town called Bethsaida, while he dismisses the crowd.
- Jesus then retreats to a mountainside to pray. Prayer is the lifeblood of the savior. It is the very atmosphere that he breathes. There alone with His heavenly Father He is finally at rest.
- Each time he faces a crisis, he ...

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