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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 8:31-38
This content is part of a series.

True Believers (13 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus
Collin Wimberly
John 8:31-38

CIT - Jesus describes a true disciple.

Proposition - We need to understand what makes a true believer in Jesus Christ.
Question: How can I know if I am a true believer.


This is an interesting section of Scripture. It opens with a surprising declaration of belief, but enes with an attempt on Jesus' life. What happens? Jesus exposes the fact that not everyone who claims to be a Christian is one.

You see, it is quite possible to believe Him, and not believe in Him. In other words - you can agree with the truth mentally and not know the truth. You can agree to good doctrine and yet not accept that doctrine in your heart.

Examples: Judas, Simon Magnus - Baptized and joined the church, yet he was not a true believer and was exposed and rebuked by Peter. The Devils - They believe and tremble.

This is a most dangerous state to be in. Yet, I fear it is the state of far too many professing believers today.

How sad this is. To mentally accept the doctrines, claim to accept the validity of the faith and yet to die and go to Hell.

How can I know if I am a true believer?

I. TRUE BELIEVERS ABIDE IN THE WORD - Disciples is someone who adheres to the spiritual teaching of another. Here, in this context, a true disciple is a true believer.

His Word are His teachings. They are this book, the Bible.

To abide is to remain or to continue. First of all, this is an . . . .

A. AN ATTITUDE - To live in obedience. John 14:15 - If you love me, you will keep my commandments. I John 2:4-6 - Anyone who says he is in him, but does not keep His commandments is a liar.

True believes understand the importance of being does or the Word and not hearers only. James 1:22

The Love the Word of God. Ps. 119:97, 77, 72

Eugene Peterson - The Christian life is a long obedience in the same direction.

B. A TEST - ''If'' If you abide, if you remain, ...

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