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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 11
This content is part of a series.

Staring Death in the Face (14 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus
Collin Wimberly
John 11

CIT - Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.


ILLUS: U.S. Tenor Richard Versalle suffered an apparent heart attack on stage of the Metropolitan Opera after singing the world ''Too bad you can only live so long.'' The 63 year old fell off the ladder he was climbing in a scene from The Markopulos Case and landed on the stage. Conductor David Robertson quickly declared an intermission. Later, the performance was canceled. Versalle died without regaining consciousness.

We do only live so long. It may be 63 years or 36 years.

Death comes for all of us. We all stare death in the face. We all have an appointment. Some face it with courage. Others with fear, others with resignation and hopelessness. Most just ignore it and refuse to talk much about it. There was a book title - We stared death in the face, and death blinked. Really? But there was one who did stare death in the face - death not only blinked but was defeated.

Dealing with life, its discourgements, its disappointements, and ultimately with death is hard.

This morning we will learn how to stare death in the face.

I) HIS DELAY - VS. 5-6
He stayed two days longer. The decision to delay did not bring about Lazarus' death. Bethany was a two day journey from Perea where Jesus was most likely ministering. Taking into account the 2 day delay and than the 2 day journey, Lazarus would have been in the tomb for 4 days. Therefore, Lazarus probably died sometime immediately after the messenger from Mary and Martha departed Bethany.

God's delays are never because of indifference. His delays are always purposeful. Therefore we are right to seek meaning in these delays. What purpose or meaning was there in Jesus' delay?

A. HIS DELAY WAS FOR HIS GLORY - Vs. 4 For God to be glorified is for Him to revealed, for His character to become known. Jesus is the most gracious and complete manifest ...

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