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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 12:1-8
This content is part of a series.

True Devotion (15 of 17)
Series: John: Who is Jesus
Collin Wimberly
John 12:1-8

CIT - Mark anoints Jesus for his burial.
Proposition - We should take every opportunity we have to demonstrate our devotion to Christ with extravagant abandon.


What is true Devotion? In Mary's act we find a wonderful picture of a life truly devoted to Jesus.

I. TRUE DEVOTION IS AN EXTRAVAGENT ACT- I love the word extravagant.

A. THE COST - Nard - also called Spikenard. An oil extracted from the root and spike of the Nard plan, grown in India. It was pure making it extremely valuable.

A pound - a large amount. Expensive - An understatement. Matthew 20:1-16 tells us it was worth about 300 denari, or one year's wages for an average worker. This must have been her most valuable possession. Maybe it had put aside for her own burial. Perhaps she had taken her savings and spent it just for this purpose.

She takes the flask and breaks off the stopper on the top and pours it all out on Jesus.

True Devotion is willing to pay any price. Give up any thing for the glory of Christ, out of love for Jesus. ''Your most valued possession will be different. It may be your home, your bank account, your family, your job, or a dozen other things. . . could you, would you - give it up for Jesus?

B. THE HUMILITY - What she does next might have been even more shocking to those around her. She anointed Jesus' feet. Mark tells us that she anointed his head also. But John remembers Mary kneeling at Jesus' feet. The position of the lowest of slaves. She wipes his feet with her hair. Women did not let their hair down in public, the only one who saw a woman's hair was her husband. Mary is acting with abandon. Willing to go to any lengths for Jesus, even if it meant humbling herself. What if everyone else thinks you are off your rocker? The disciples did with Mary. What would others think? What it you gave up all you had. What if you gave up a home, a pleasant r ...

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