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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: JOHN 17:1-5

The Prayer Life of Jesus
Ernest L. Easley
John 17.1-5

Beginning next month .. we're beginning a new prayer ministry here at First Baptist Church. I am convinced that God wants us to become a prayer- driven church! In fact . . . we'll never reach our potential without it! And I don't know about you .. but I refuse to live beneath my potential! Think about the lives that will be transformed through our prayer meetings!! Think about the souls that will be won through our prayer meetings! Think about our ministries that will become energized through our prayer meetings!

Never forget that prayer can do anything that God can do and God can do anything! I get excited when I think about the early church as recorded in the book of Acts. The early church was a prayer- conditioned church! Prayer was their focus and their focus was prayer!

God took what little they had and empowered them to do great things for Him! And for that reason .. they did so much with so little. Today . . . we're doing so little with so much. And for First Baptist Church to prepare for the new millennium . . . we must become a prayer-driven church.

So today . . . we're going to listen in on the greatest prayer ever prayed! That's right! The greatest prayer ever prayed! It's not a prayer prayed by a saint! Nor is it a prayer prayed by a sinner! But it is a prayer prayed by the savior! And that prayer is recorded in the gospel according to John. So take your Bible and join me for a few minutes tonight in John chapter 17. For the next few Sunday nights . . . we're going to be learning some things about the prayer life of Jesus! If we're going to become a prayer-driven church .. then we need to learn some things about prayer. And I don't know anybody to learn more about prayer from than the Lord Jesus Christ.

We're thinking tonight about . . . ''The Prayer Life of Jesus'' John 17.1-5 Now if you keep reading down through this chapter . . . you're going to ...

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