Scripture: ECCLESIASTES 10
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The Folly Of Fools (9 of 10)
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
Ecclesiastes 10
We're continuing our series of messages this morning through the book of Ecclesiastes. So .. take God's Word and join me in King Solomon's record of royalty.
I read the other day that one reason people don't read the Bible and attend worship was because they didn't think that the Bible was relevant to their lives. Friend . . . they think that the Bible isn't relevant for the same reason some people think First Baptist Church isn't friendly: they haven't tried it!! You won't find a church anymore friendly than First Baptist and you won't find a book more relevant than the Bible!! In fact . . . the church and the Bible are signs pointing you to the God that loves you!! Both the church and the Bible are used by God to help you to live in victory .. help you in your marriage . . . help you in raising those children .. help you to become a man of God or a woman of God! Friend .. the Bible is not only holy . . . it is helpful!
Now when you read through the book of Ecclesiastes . . . it sounds like you're reading the diary of modern man. Ecclesiastes is King Solomon's journal of his quest for the best. He set out to find satisfaction and serenity but he ended up frustrated and fed-up.
Solomon reminds me of so many people across our city! In their attempts for satisfaction . . . they've made some foolish mistakes. I may be talking to some teenager or some adult this morning that in your quest for the best in life . . . you too have made some foolish mistakes. Somebody once said that ''some people can't wait until April to make fools of themselves.''
I can tell you this: if you're trying to find satisfaction and serenity a part from the Lord Jesus Christ . . . you are a fool!! Now that's not what Ernest Easley says . . . that's what God says. In fact . . . six times in chapter 10 Solomon refers to The Folly of Fools! By the way .. do you know what the word ...
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
Ecclesiastes 10
We're continuing our series of messages this morning through the book of Ecclesiastes. So .. take God's Word and join me in King Solomon's record of royalty.
I read the other day that one reason people don't read the Bible and attend worship was because they didn't think that the Bible was relevant to their lives. Friend . . . they think that the Bible isn't relevant for the same reason some people think First Baptist Church isn't friendly: they haven't tried it!! You won't find a church anymore friendly than First Baptist and you won't find a book more relevant than the Bible!! In fact . . . the church and the Bible are signs pointing you to the God that loves you!! Both the church and the Bible are used by God to help you to live in victory .. help you in your marriage . . . help you in raising those children .. help you to become a man of God or a woman of God! Friend .. the Bible is not only holy . . . it is helpful!
Now when you read through the book of Ecclesiastes . . . it sounds like you're reading the diary of modern man. Ecclesiastes is King Solomon's journal of his quest for the best. He set out to find satisfaction and serenity but he ended up frustrated and fed-up.
Solomon reminds me of so many people across our city! In their attempts for satisfaction . . . they've made some foolish mistakes. I may be talking to some teenager or some adult this morning that in your quest for the best in life . . . you too have made some foolish mistakes. Somebody once said that ''some people can't wait until April to make fools of themselves.''
I can tell you this: if you're trying to find satisfaction and serenity a part from the Lord Jesus Christ . . . you are a fool!! Now that's not what Ernest Easley says . . . that's what God says. In fact . . . six times in chapter 10 Solomon refers to The Folly of Fools! By the way .. do you know what the word ...
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