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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: Ephesians 3:14
This content is part of a series.

The Value of Each One (3 of 4)
Series: Better Together
Lenny Ports
Ephesians 3:14

A Message for Encounter Christian Church

It's FATHER'S DAY and we honor all the fathers that have come to worship with us this morning. You know, we all have in common that we came from human parents and the role of the father is so significant in the life of the children born to him.

Here are a few ''significant'' roles of fathers. Dads, thanks for being:

- the chaser of the bogeyman

- the doctor applying - band-aids and kisses to boo-boos

- the exterminator - killing spiders and other scary critters

- the clown - anything to make your kids laugh

- the diaper changer - if you are courageous enough

- the chauffeur

- the toy finder - even if it is the 15th time it got lost in one day

- Santa Claus - but don't tell anyone

- the teacher - to teach them how to play football, ride a 2-wheeler, how to fix stuff, and how to cut the grass (girls included)

- the maid - when mom's not around

- the chef - of meals that usually don't come out as good as mom's

- the breadwinner and the bank - at the same time

- the keeper of the remote control - so the kids can watch their favorite Disney video for the 10th time today

On a serious note - DADS, you are a priest and a provider. You are a defender and a dissolver of fears. You are a teacher and a trainer, a protector and a playmate, a servant and a saint. You are courage and you are confidence. You are stability and you are strength. You are irreplaceable and irresistible. You bring care and understanding, guidance and encouragement. You know what it means to give and to sacrifice. You are the example of what your daughters want in a husband, and an example of how you want your boys to treat their wife. You are DAD. Your love and concern never ends and your wallet never stops emptying for them!

Can we just hear it for all the DAD'S IN THE HOUSE?!

For many of you, when you think about ...

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