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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Judges 4:1-24, Judges 5:1-31
This content is part of a series.

A Smashing Salvation (3 of 9)
Series: Avoid Generation Degeneration
Keith Krell
Judges 4-5

Someone has said there are only three kinds of people in the world-those who watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who scratch their heads and ask, ''Hey, what's happening?'' The ability to make things happen is the gift of leadership. Leadership is needed in every sphere of life. Our country needs leadership to lead us forward in the 21st century. Our churches need leadership to lead the world to Christ. Our homes need leadership to give forth truth to the next generation. Leadership is paramount! Yet, as important as human leadership is, God's leadership is most essential, for apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5).

In Judges 4-5 we will learn about two godly female leaders who perform legendary exploits for God. These two women are willing to risk life and limb for God's purposes. They are women of courage. In this account, our author reveals that God intervenes when we act with courageous faith. Chapter 4 contains two acts: Act 1 focuses on Deborah's victory (4:1-16), and Act 2 on Jael's victory (4:17-24). Chapter 5, then, is a victory song by Deborah that provides us insight into chapter 4. Both chapters tell the same story but in two different ways. Judges 4 is a factual telling of the events; Judges 5 is a poetical recitation of the same events. Judges 4 is for the history class; Judges 5 for the music class. Judges 4 educates; Judges 5 entertains. They don't contradict each other; they complement each other and move us toward the praise of God, who always keeps His covenant.

Act 1: Deborah's victory (4:1-16). Our story begins in 4:1 on a tragic, but familiar note: ''Then the sons of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD, after Ehud died.'' After Ehud gutted the ''fat calf,'' Eglon (3:20-22), God gave His people eighty years of peace (3:30). This is the longest period of peace recorded in the book of Judges. But onc ...

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