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by Keith Krell

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A Saved Soul, a Wasted Life (8 of 9)
Series: Avoid Generation Degeneration
Keith Krell
Judges 13:1-16:31

Hello. My name is Samson. My name means, ''little sun.'' Perhaps you recognize my name. I'm not surprised. After all, when I lived on earth I was anything but ''little.'' I was a larger than life legend. I was not a ''little sun''; I was an enormous sun. I had a bright and glorious future. I was the most famous man in the world. Everyone knew the name of Samson, and they spoke it with respect. They had to-I was the strongest man who ever lived. I was a superman. If I was on earth today, you'd not only admit me into your Olympics, but you'd have to set up a special category for me because I'm the strongest man of all time-bar none. What? You think I'm exaggerating? Overstating my case a little bit? Well, let me tell you the facts, and you can decide whether my claim is true or not.

As a young man, I fell in love with the wrong kind of woman. She was not of my people. The woman was a Philistine who lived in Timnah. She was an unbeliever. Yet, the moment I laid eyes on her, I fell in love . . . or should I say, I fell in lust. I knew I had to have her. I told my parents: ''Get her for me. She looks good to me!'' Naturally, my parents were concerned with my decision to marry an unbeliever, but I was a strong-willed child, so I eventually wore them down. (Perhaps some of you children and teens know what I'm talking about?) In order to make arrangements for the wedding, I had to travel to Timnah. The journey to Timnah was dangerous; rocks and bushes were scattered across the hilly terrain. There were countless hiding places for bandits. But I was distracted thinking of my honeymoon. Even though I kept scanning the horizon for danger, I wasn't prepared for what happened. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of something worse than a bandit-I saw a golden blur flying out from behind some boulders toward me. It was a lion! But this lion wasn't the kind o ...

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