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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 3:8-24
This content is part of a series.

Eat MY Dust (6 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 3:8-24

This past Christmas morning (2004), a 22-year-old man robbed a Chevron station and then led Poulsbo, Washington police on a high-speed chase. After cleaning out the cash register, the robber and a passenger took off in a red Honda and soon cops from four towns were in pursuit. The caravan zoomed at speeds up to 100 mph through the winding roads of western Puget Sound, where twists and turns can leave even locals disoriented. After a while the fugitives managed to lose their pursuers in the darkness but they had no idea where they were. That's when the robber pulled his Honda into a Chevron station to ask for directions to Seattle-unaware that it was the very same establishment he'd just robbed. Police caught up to the Honda soon afterward.

Sometimes, playing hide-and-seek doesn't work out so well. Have you ever played hide-and-seek with God? Have you ever sinned and then tried to run away from Him in shame? If so, you've probably realized that no matter how good you are at hiding, you can't hide from God. Fortunately, God doesn't play hide-and-seek, He plays ''seek and hide.'' He is the great pursuer that always tracks down His man or woman. Today, if you're feeling far away from God, I have a word of hope for you. It is found in Genesis 3:8-24.

[In 3:1-7, we learned how to win over sin by overcoming temptation. Now in 3:8-24, we will learn how to recover from sin by confessing our sins and learning from discipline. How can I recover from sin? In this narrative, we will be able to see two clear prescriptions.]

1. Confess your sin without blaming God or others (3:8-13). In 3:8, Moses records: ''They [Adam and Eve] heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.'' ''The sound of the Lord God'' represents the grace of God reaching out to ...

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