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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 9:1-17
This content is part of a series.

A Fresh Start (11 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 9:1-17

In a Peanuts cartoon strip Lucy and Linus are staring out the window, watching it rain. The conversation goes like this: Lucy: ''Boy! Look at it pour. What if it floods the whole world?'' Linus: ''It won't. In Genesis 9, God promised Noah that would never happen again. The sign of that promise is the rainbow.'' Lucy, turning back to the window with a big smile: ''You've taken a great load off my mind.'' Linus: ''Sound theology has a way of doing that.''

We laugh at that cartoon but my man Linus was on to something. Sound theology not only takes a load off our minds; it also teaches us what God is like and what He expects of us. Theology is not dry, dull, and boring. Nor is it just for biblical scholars who sit in ivory tower libraries. Theology is meant to alter the way we live life. As we look at Genesis 9:1-17, we are going to learn how a strong theology guides us through this life.

[In the first seven verses, we learn that a strong theology helps us to...]

1. Appreciate the value of life (9:1-7). Moses begins with these words: ''And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth''' (9:1). This verse is a renewal of God's first blessing and commission to Adam (1:28). Like Adam, Noah and his sons were blessed and commanded to reproduce and fill the earth. The word ''blessed'' is the key word in Genesis. It is a reminder that the God of the Bible has always been a God that blesses His people (cf. Jas 1:17). This is such a good word for us to hear. It is so easy to be restless and discontent. We always want more. We are never satisfied. Yet, God's will for us is to express gratitude for His every blessing. A strong theology appreciates God's many blessings.

Additional blessings are found in 9:2-4: ''The fear of you and the terror of you will be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the sky; with everyth ...

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