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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 12:10, Genesis13:4
This content is part of a series.

From Faith to Fear (15 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 12:10-13:4

What are the highpoints of your life? A family memory? A special award? Graduating from high school or college? Securing your first job? Getting married? Having your first child? Landing a sought-after promotion? Buying your dream home? Becoming a Christian? After experiencing such a great moment, what do you expect? If you're like most people, you expect celebration, satisfaction, joy, rest, and peace. Unfortunately, in life things don't always work out that way. After a high point you must assume that Satan will attack you or the Lord will test you, or both. This is the only way you can grow in your faith. God uses the tough circumstances of life to build the muscles of your faith and keep you from trusting something other than His Word. In Genesis 12:10-13:4, we find that Abram, the man of faith (12:1-9), was also, at times, a man of failure (12:10-20). In these verses, we will learn that any man or woman, regardless of his or her spirituality, is capable of faltering in the faith. Nevertheless, we will also find hope that God loves to restore people to Himself (13:1-4). When our faith fails, God doesn't. Look with me at three principles that will help you live a life of extraordinary faith.

1. Expect your faith to be tested (12:10). The Bible teaches that the life of faith is full of obstacles. This is confirmed in the life of Abram. Already, in his spiritual pilgrimage, Abram has experienced several tests: He was called to leave his hometown (11:31-32); his wife was barren (11:30); and the land that God promised to him is occupied (12:6). Now there comes another challenge. Verse 10 reads, ''Now there was a famine in the land; so Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.'' As soon as Abram arrives in Canaan he experiences his most severe test to date-famine. Imagine what must have gone through Abram's mind: ''I came al ...

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