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LET GO! (27 OF 54)

by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 22:1-24
This content is part of a series.

Let Go! (27 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 22:1-24

A man was walking along a narrow path, not paying much attention to where he was going. Suddenly he slipped over the edge of a cliff. As he fell, he grabbed a branch growing from the side of the cliff. Realizing that he couldn't hang on for long, he called for help.
Man: Is anybody up there?
Voice: Yes, I'm here!
Man: Who's that?
Voice: The Lord.
Man: Lord, help me!
Voice: Do you trust me?
Man: I trust you completely, Lord.
Voice: Good. Let go of the branch.
Man: What???
Voice: I said, let go of the branch.
Man: [After a long pause] Is anybody else up there?

Like this dangling, cliffhanger, are you ever afraid that God might ask too much of you? Consider for a moment what would be too much? Our daily lives are built around people and things we enjoy: a spouse, children, friends, a job, a hobby, possessions, and future plans. These are the pillars and beams of our earthly support system; and if one of them is removed, we sometimes feel as though the framework of our lives is collapsing around us. But there are times when God says ''Let go!'' and the nuts and bolts that hold our world together suddenly snap. If you've ever been in that situation you know the pressure a test like that can exert on your faith. Abraham was well acquainted with such strenuous tests. In Genesis 22, we come to one of the greatest chapters in the entire Bible. It is also one of the greatest crises in the Bible. This crisis is a crisis of obedience and it is structured in three flowing segments.

1. The test of obedience (22:1-8). Our passage begins with the phrase, ''Now it came about after these things.'' This phrase looks back over Abraham's pilgrimage of faith. During these years, Abraham encountered several tests; some he passed and others he failed. Abraham was quite human, like you and me. Yet, despite a mixture of success and failure, God sought to mature Abraham and use his life p ...

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