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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 23:1-20
This content is part of a series.

A Piece of the Promise (28 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 23:1-20

[Play The Jefferson's theme song] ''Well we're movin' on up...To the east side...To a deluxe apartment in the sky. We're movin' on up...To the east side...We've finally got a piece of the pie.'' I grew up watching The Jefferson's. I loved George and Louise Jefferson and their maid, Florence. I learned some of my best ''trash talking'' from the Jeffersons. But of course what has stayed with me all of these years is their theme song. The last line is what grabs me: ''We've finally got a piece of the pie.'' You've heard the expression ''a piece of the pie,'' right? Everybody wants a piece of the pie. The Jefferson's certainly did. They wanted to experience the ''lifestyles of the rich and famous.'' They wanted to be successful in their business, family, and personal lives. If we're honest many of us also want our ''piece of the pie.'' Yet, I'd like to challenge each of us and ask a question of priority: What is more important to you-a ''piece of the pie'' or a ''piece of the promise''?

Think of a promise you have from God, something you believe God will bring about. It may be heaven, forgiveness for your darkest sins, the comfort of never being alone, the special purpose He has for your life, the salvation of a loved one, or an answer to prayer. What do you do when that promise is unfulfilled after years of waiting? What do you do when something you felt God was committed to now seems less likely? When God's promises are still in the future, what can we do to show that we believe?

God promised Abraham many things, the most remarkable being a son in his old age, and it happened. But God also promised him a land for his people forever, yet Abraham didn't own so much as an acre. He was living in tents and moving from place to place. This promise of land was not coming to pass. In Genesis 23, we are going to discover how Abraham responded when it seemed that God w ...

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