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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 24:1-60, Genesis 24:62-67
This content is part of a series.

The Fingerprints of God (29 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 24:1-67

In Genesis 24, we come to one of the greatest love stories known to man: The blind marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. This chapter is the longest chapter in the book of Genesis; yet, it shifts scenes like a romantic movie. Nevertheless, the story of Isaac and Rebekah is more than just a story of ''boy meets girl.'' It is a wonderful revelation of the sovereign work of God. Driving each scene is the implied question: How will God carry out His incredible promises? Abraham has been promised immeasurable seed that will bless the earth. Therefore, further questions abound: What woman will the Lord find for Isaac to further this promise? How will He overcome the inevitable human stumbling blocks? In this account we will see that God will guide us, as we are faithful to His Word.

Our story begins with these words: ''Now Abraham was old, advanced in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in every way'' (24:1). The two-fold repetition of ''old'' and ''advanced in age'' is deliberate. In the Bible, old age is a sign of blessing on a great person (cf. Josh 13:1; 23:1; 1 Kgs 1:1). The same is true today. If God has given you long life and you're walking with Him, praise Him for His goodness to you. Verse 1 affirms ''the Lord had blessed Abraham in every way.'' This is also true of us, isn't it? While the material blessings of Abraham are not ours, we are recipients of God's blessings. When you consider your life, you should be able to see the many blessings that God has given (Jas 1:17). These blessings that we take for granted everyday are evidence of the fingerprints of God. When we acknowledge the Lord's blessings and express gratitude we take a step forward in recognizing His hand of providence.

In 24:2-4, Moses moves from an introductory comment to the storyline. As we have already noted, Abraham is an old man. Like many men Abraham makes use of his ''golden years'' ...

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