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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 25:1-18
This content is part of a series.

Passing the Promises (30 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 25:1-18

Five years ago, a wonderful man by the name of Gil Woo gave me a very meaningful gift. [Hold up a green aluminum baton.] Gil gave me this baton as a reminder that God's call upon my life is to finish well and pass the faith on to those who will come after me. I have kept this baton on my office desk for the past five years as a visual, daily reminder of that calling.

I'm sure you've heard it said that the Christian faith is always only one generation from extinction. Or as Bruce Wilkinson says, ''God has no grandchildren.'' Instead, the Christian faith is like a relay race in which one generation passes the baton of God's truth to another generation. As a father I have a sacred responsibility to see that my faith is passed down to my children and, if I live long enough, to my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. As a pastor I must earnestly seek to impart God's truth to you so you will pass the faith on to others. As a Christian I must use every opportunity to spread the Gospel and boldly proclaim Jesus Christ.

Now, I am not accountable for what people do with the truth I give them. I cannot answer for my children; nor can I answer for everyone who hears me preach. But I will be held accountable for doing all I can to ensure that the truth I know is passed along to others, so the Christian faith will continue into the next generation (2 Tim 2:2). This applies to you as well. Whatever roles you currently occupy and whatever your stage of life, your mission is to pass the baton of faith to the next generation.

In Genesis 25:1-18, Moses pens Abraham's swan song...his last dance...his final hurrah. In these verses, we will be reminded that our legacy is only successful as we pass the promises.

Our story begins in 25:1: ''Now Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah.'' This is certainly impressive! Sarah died at 127 (23:1). This means Abraham w ...

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