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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 43, Genesis 45
This content is part of a series.

All's Well that Ends Well (49 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 43-45

Do you like putting together jigsaw puzzles? [Walk up with a jigsaw book puzzle box] I confess, I do not, but my kids do. Whether you like puzzles or not, you must admit that life is like a giant jigsaw puzzle. And we are like children trying to put the puzzle together with only a handful of pieces and someone took the box that has the picture on the cover. So we're left trying to fit our little handful of pieces together and trying to figure out the big picture at the same time. No wonder we struggle to figure out what life is all about. As the years pass we pick up more pieces to the puzzle and things that once troubled us now seem to fit into place. And we have a new appreciation for the wisdom of God because nothing is ever wasted. Everything ''fits'' somewhere. The puzzle that I'm holding is a small, 100-piece puzzle. The picture is of a boy, a girl, a dog, and a cat sitting at a soda fountain, eating a bowl of ice cream, and drinking a float. The caption above their heads reads, ''Dear God, You thought of everything!''

This statement is true in life and in the story of Joseph. Genesis 43-45 is a unit describing what happens when Joseph's brothers return to Egypt. In chapter 43 Joseph exhibits tender love; in chapter 44 he exercises tough love, and in chapter 45 he expresses a theological love for God's sovereignty.

Scene 1: Driven to Egypt (43:1-14). Moses begins our account with these words: ''Now the famine was severe in the land (cf. 41:57). So it came about when they had finished eating the grain which they had brought from Egypt, that their father [Jacob] said to them, 'Go back, buy us a little food''' (43:1-2). Did you catch how Jacob phrased that? Why buy just ''a little'' food? Jacob's hope was that if they just bought a little bit, the harsh governor in Egypt wouldn't require Benjamin to go there with his brothers. But Judah confronts his fat ...

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