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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Genesis 46:1-34, Genesis 46
This content is part of a series.

One Big, Happy Family (50 of 54)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Keith Krell
Genesis 46:1-34

Have you ever taken a lengthy family vacation? I have. While I was growing up, the Krell family took many long vacations. But two stand out. If you can believe this, our family of four took two (not one, but two) six-week-long family vacations around the United States in a Subaru. Yes, that's right, a Subaru! Not a min-van...not a motor home...a Subaru. Needless to say, these two trips led to some serious family bonding. I don't think any of us have ever fully recovered.

In Genesis 46-47, Jacob and his family embark on their own family vacation. You could call it ''Family Reunion in Egypt.'' Jacob has just received news that his favorite son, Joseph, is alive. So he prepares the family to leave Canaan and head out to join Joseph in Egypt.

Scene 1: God leads Jacob and his family to move to Egypt (46:1-7). Our account begins in 46:1: ''So Israel [Jacob] set out with all that he had, and came to Beersheba, and offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac.'' Jacob is 130 years old as he sets out for Egypt. If he were alive today, he would have been retired and living on Social Security for over 65 years. This is not the time when people begin making radical changes in their lives. But Jacob is about to launch into one of the most remarkable faith ventures of his life. Yet, in order to participate in God's incredible plan:
1. He has to leave everything familiar and the security of his earthly comforts. Often, following God's plan includes stepping out in faith and taking a risk. If God calls you to another location or another job, will you go where He leads despite the risks to your personal comfort and security?
2. He has to believe that he still has a mission from God. When most Christians would have long-since turned the ministry over to the next generation, Jacob is taking giant steps of faith. Are you willing to find creative ways to keep serving and ...

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