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by Keith Krell

This content is part of a series.

A Gift Exchange (1 of 27)
Series: Calling All Leaders
Keith Krell
1 Samuel 1:1-2:11

Have you ever heard the expression, ''Everything rises and falls on leadership?'' There is a great deal of truth to this statement. However, in the church, I would suggest that: ''Everything rises and falls on godly leadership.'' Throughout human history God has always used leaders to accomplish His purposes. Whenever God wants to move in a powerful way, He raises up a man or woman to serve Him and His people. Godly leadership is critical to God's kingdom purposes. And, at no time, has godly leadership been more critical and desperately needed. The ancient book of 1 Samuel is a leadership manual that will raise up godly leaders. It chronicles the lives of Samuel, Saul, David, and many others. Studying the lives of these individuals teaches us how to be godly leaders who have an immense view of God.

Before jumping into our study it is important to understand the context of 1 Samuel. In our English Bibles, 1 Samuel follows the book of Ruth. However, in the Hebrew text, 1 Samuel immediately follows the book of Judges. Thus, in the Hebrew Bible, the last words written before 1 Sam 1:1 are: ''In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes'' (Judg 21:25). After more than four centuries of failure, Israel was frustrated with the lack of central leadership. They concluded that their troubles were political, and therefore, required a political solution, so they requested a king to lead them in battle. They were blind to the fact that their political problems had a spiritual cause. Instead of a political solution (seeking a king), they should have opted for a spiritual solution: renewed faithfulness to the Lord and the covenant.

First Samuel is a call to all leaders. As we study through this great book, we should learn from the successes and sins of the various characters. More importantly, we must see God throughout His stories. Althoug ...

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