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by Keith Krell

Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1-4
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When God Speaks . . (3 of 27)
Series: Calling All Leaders
Keith Krell
1 Samuel 3:1-4:1a

In the 70s and 80s, the brokerage firm of E. F. Hutton developed a series of successful television ads. The circumstances were always different, but the message was the same. In a crowded room, restaurant, or other location, a small group of people were busy talking about some financial investment. Generally, one individual was not saying much, but in the course of the conversation that person was finally asked what he or she thought. The person always responded in every ad by saying the same thing, ''Well, my broker is E. F. Hutton, and E. F. Hutton says . . .'' Immediately, the person stopped speaking as he realized that all the busy activity around him had stopped, everything had become silent, and ears were stretched to catch the next words out of his mouth. Everyone surrounding the speaker was straining to hear the latest financial tip or advice. At this point, an announcer broke in and said, ''When E. F. Hutton speaks, people listen.'' Of course, the implication was clear. E. F. Hutton was so successful in the investment business that people would stop everything they were doing just to listen to what the broker had to say.

When you think about it, it seems sad that God doesn't get the same respect as E. F. Hutton. It ought to be that when God speaks, people listen. Unfortunately, this is generally not the case. People are just too busy, too lazy, or too disobedient to stop and listen to God. But when we refuse to listen to God, we are the ones who lose out. God yearns to speak to us and to reveal Himself to us, but He insists that we have ears to hear and feet to respond with faith and obedience. The overarching theme of 1 Sam 3:1-4:1a is: When God speaks, we should listen.

1. God's Word comes to those who listen (3:1-14). Our story begins in 3:1 with an important background verse: ''Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD before Eli. And word from ...

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