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by Keith Krell

Scripture: 1 Samuel 6:1-7, 1 Samuel 1
This content is part of a series.

Holy Cow Moments (6 of 27)
Series: Calling All Leaders
Keith Krell
1 Samuel 6:1-7:1

When I was growing up I often used the phrase, ''holy cow!'' This is a rather bizarre expression, isn't it? In the past, young people have used this phrase as an exclamation of surprise. Sadly, it's possible that it's a euphemism for ''Holy Christ!'' (Fortunately, I was not aware of this dreadful possibility when I was growing up.) Regardless of the origin of the phrase, when God displays His power and sovereignty in extraordinary ways you should be left saying (or at least thinking), ''holy cow!'' It can be as common as noting God's beauty in creation. Right now the fall colors are breathtaking in their brilliance. Perhaps it's the birth of your child or grandchild. It's an incredible experience to see your very own flesh and blood enter this world. What about when God comes through with a financial miracle? You've been on the brink of a financial crisis and God meets your need. Of course, the most wonderful expression of God's sovereignty and power is when He uses you to share the gospel with a person who trusts in Christ.

God loves to provide, ''holy cow'' moments that display His great power and sovereignty. He wants you and me to be in awe of who He is. He yearns for us to exclaim, ''How Great Thou Art!'' The problem is, we're not always expecting God to show up in the midst of our circumstances. Because we're not looking for God to reveal Himself in our daily lives, we frequently miss Him. It's not that He isn't working powerfully, we just miss Him in the busyness of life. There are times, however, when God breaks out in such an irrefutable way that we are forced to grapple with His power and sovereignty. In 1 Sam 6 we will see two such examples.

1. The Lord moves cows to bring His ark home (6:1-12). Our story begins in 6:1 on a historical note: ''Now the ark of the LORD had been in the country of the Philistines seven months.'' This is a dreadful sentence. T ...

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