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by Keith Krell

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Partial Obedience Is Disobedience (13 of 27)
Series: Calling All Leaders
Kieth Krell
1 Samuel 15:1-35

[The following dialogue is a brief drama between my wife and me. Lori has just finished leading worship as I climb up on stage.]
Keith: ''Good morning.''
Lori: ''Keith, you need to use my handheld microphone today. The batteries on your lapel mic are low.''
Keith: I ignore Lori, extend my left hand in a snubbing fashion, and ask, ''How's everybody doing?''
Lori: ''Keith, I'm not kidding, you really need to use my mic!''
Keith: I grab Lori's mic and impatiently repeat, ''I need to use this mic today because my batteries are low.'' I then promptly put the mic back in the stand.
Lori: ''Keith, you never truly listen to me.''

Over the course of my marriage I've had a selective hearing problem. I have attempted to listen to Lori every time she speaks, but often I am busy or distracted and don't pay attention like I should. To better myself, I have learned to robotically repeat what she says to me (sometimes even in a chant). If I have listened well, I may carry out her wish. But often I don't pay attention to all the details and I only partially obey. Of course, I'm not alone [put on a pair of headphones]. My children have a selective hearing problem as well. (Maybe it's hereditary?) Sometimes it's because they have headphones on. Lori and I think they hear us. They use nonverbal cues to give us the impression that they have heard us. But what we ask them to do is usually not carried out. Or if they attempt to obey the command, they're only partially obedient. Sadly, headphones aren't required! Perhaps you can relate to our plight? Families don't listen to one another like they should. Friends don't listen to one another like they should. Employees don't listen to employers like they should. Students don't listen to teachers like they should. Humanity suffers with a selective hearing problem. This problem is thousands of years old. King Saul exhibi ...

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