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by Keith Krell

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The Heart of the Matter (14 of 27)
Series: Calling All Leaders
Keith Krell
1 Samuel 16:1-23

This past Friday I received a convicting e-mail from a woman in our congregation. Last week in her small group, Laurene shared the need to spend less time studying at night and more time in the morning because her eyes are just so tired at night that it's hard to see the small print in her study tools. The next morning she found a pair of her husband's readers on her study pile. As Bob left for work, he tenderly suggested that Laurene use the readers because they would help her see well. She then opened to 1 Samuel 16 and began to prepare her heart for Sunday morning. She went through her usual study routine of marking references and doing word studies, but her eyes were still tired. The coffee had not kicked in yet. Finally, a little voice inside her said, ''Put on those readers; quit being so stubborn!'' Laurene acknowledged that the readers made all the difference in the world. She sensed that God was saying, ''Use My eyes that you may see. See your heart with My eyes. The readers are available-put them on!''

The theme of 1 Samuel 16 is that God has superior eyesight. He is not limited to physical 20/20 vision, which can hinder one from seeing reality. We all acknowledge this to be true. We even have expressions to summarize this concept: ''Looks aren't everything''; ''looks can be deceiving''; ''you can't judge a book by its cover.'' Our human perceptions are profoundly limited and unreliable because we can't see God's power and purpose with our eyes. It is very difficult to see things the way God sees things. He sees all things and all people in the true light of His own will and purposes. The whole world looks very different from that perspective. Therefore, it is critical to see as God sees.

1. God chooses David (16:1-13). Our story begins on a very practical note: ''Now the LORD said to Samuel, 'How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejec ...

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