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by Keith Krell

Scripture: 1 Samuel 21, 1 Samuel 22
This content is part of a series.

The Original Survivor (18 of 27)
Series: Calling All Leaders
Keith Krell
1 Samuel 21-22

Are you a fan of the TV show Survivor? Many people are. Survivor is a reality game show produced in many countries throughout the world. In the show, contestants are isolated in the wilderness and compete for cash and other prizes. The show uses a system of progressive elimination, allowing the contestants to vote other tribe members off until only one final contestant remains and wins the title of ''Sole Survivor.''

In 1 Samuel 21-22 we will travel through the wilderness with the original ''Sole Survivor''-King David. By the conclusion of the story, I think you'll agree that David could have won any of the Survivor television contests. He knew all about adventure and true life-and-death situations. In fact, approximately the last third of 1 Samuel is devoted to the period in which David was on the run from King Saul. It is a critical season in David's life, and begs the question: How will the purposes for David's life be resolved if he's being forced in the opposite direction? Perhaps you've asked the very same question about your own life: How will God take me where He wants me to be when I experience so many setbacks? The answer to this question will be apparent once we reach the end of this story.

1. David flees to Ahimelech (21:1-9). The narrative begins in 21:1 with David on the run from Saul: ''Then David came to Nob to Ahimelech the priest; and Ahimelech came trembling to meet David and said to him, 'Why are you alone and no one with you?''' David fled to Nob because he probably thought the sanctuary would be a safe ''pit stop.'' It's likely that he also assumed the only person he could trust was the chief priest, Ahimelech. Yet, Ahimelech came out ''trembling.'' The man was terrified! Why was he so scared? (1) It was a Sabbath (see 21:4-6), and the law forbids travel on the Sabbath. (2) David never traveled alone. The leader of Saul's armies traveled w ...

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