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by Keith Krell

Scripture: 1 Samuel 24:1-2
This content is part of a series.

Caveman Theology (20 of 27)
Series: Calling All Leaders
Keith Krell
1 Samuel 24:1-2

I use this timer on a daily basis. [Display a handheld timer from the Dollar Store.] It helps me track time. When I'm in my study, I set this timer to go off every fifteen minutes so that I can pray and stretch my back. I also set this timer to go off while I'm lifting weights to provide two minutes of rest between sets. These timers are a great help to me. However, as I reflect on my life I realize I am too often preoccupied with my own timing and preferred timetable. When I was in middle school, I wanted to be in high school. When I was in high school, I wanted to be in college. When I was a pastoral intern, I wanted to be an associate pastor. When I was an associate pastor, I wanted to be a senior pastor. When I was single, I wanted to be married. When I was married, I wanted to have kids. When I was renting an apartment, I wanted to rent a house. When I was renting a house, I wanted to buy a house. Can you relate? Do you struggle with matters of timing? Are you looking for your next opportunity, your next raise, or your next relationship? Is it hard to be satisfied?

David can empathize. He spent ten years running from Saul's sword. He constantly faced the temptation to upgrade or abort God's mission for his life. Yet, in 1 Samuel 24 David learned the lesson: God's timing is everything.

1. David spares Saul's life (24:1-7). Previously, David and his men were saved from certain death in the nick of time. Saul and his troops had David and his army of ruffians surrounded. As the bloodthirsty Saul was going in for the kill, one of his messengers interrupted him to tell him that the Philistines were raiding his land and he needed to leave immediately (23:24b-29). Our storyline picks up in 24:1-2: ''Now when Saul returned from pursuing the Philistines, he was told, saying, 'Behold, David is in the wilderness of Engedi.' Then Saul took three thousand chosen men from al ...

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