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by Keith Krell

Scripture: 1 Samuel 28:3-25
This content is part of a series.

Shut out and Shut Down (24 of 27)
Series: Calling All Leaders
Keith Krell
1 Samuel 28:3-25

As the young man playing the lyre-shaped instrument said, my name is Saul. I am the son of Kish the Benjamite. I was once tall, dark, and handsome. When I say tall, I'm not exaggerating. I was the tallest man in Israel. I stood head and shoulders above every male. My mere presence brought stability and security to those around me. Not only was I tall, I was also dark. I had bronzed skin from my work on our family farm. My tanned skin accentuated my muscular physique. My shoulders were so wide I had trouble getting them through our barn doors. My biceps looked like Israeli boulders. I had a six-pack of abs that served as a fleshly suit of armor. My legs were like mature cedar trees. To top it all off, I was handsome! I don't mean to sound proud, but I was really good looking. I was the most handsome man in all Israel. I had a full head of black hair, dark chestnut eyes, perfectly shaped facial features, unblemished skin, and a flawless beard. I was everything that Israel wanted . . . and more!

Providentially, my name ''Saul'' (shaal) even meant ''asked for.'' This was not a mere coincidence since Israel was ''asking'' for a king. Once the people of Israel laid eyes on me, they insisted upon me being their king. However, in my early years, I was an extremely humble and unassuming man. (I know it's hard to believe!) I was a dedicated farm hand, a respectful son, and a godly father to Jonathan. I was reluctant to take the mantle of kingship. I actually ran from the opportunity to be king and hid in the baggage claim area. Nonetheless, the people wouldn't take no for an answer. So they picked me up out of the luggage and forcefully inaugurated me as their king.

Initially, I was a good king. I was humble before the Lord and obeyed Him in everything. Consequently, He blessed me and gave me many victories in battle. But rather quickly I became proud and independent. ...

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