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by Jerry Vines

Scripture: EZEKIEL 38:1-23, EZEKIEL 39:1-27
This content is part of a series.

Gog and Magog (9 of 12)
Ezekiel Series
Jerry Vines
Ezekiel 38-39

These two chapters have to do with one of the most amazing prophecies in all of the Word of God. God gave to Ezekiel, that rather eccentric and unusual prophet of God, a series of visions. When you come to the third section of Ezekiel, you come to the chapters that have to do with Judah’s future and the great hope that God has for the people of God. Back in the 37th chapter we had the vision of dry bones. Though it has application to us and our daily life, the primary application was a word of hope for God’s people Israel. They felt like they were beyond hope and in the 11th verse of the 37th chapter they said, “These bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.”

But God said, I’m going to raise you from the dead. Those bones are going to live again. Now, in chapter 38, right on to the conclusion, we have some great passages which give great hope to God’s people Israel and also great hope to us.

This is indeed one of the most remarkable prophecies in all of the Bible. It is one of the most difficult of the prophecies to understand. IT is the rather astonishing prediction that in the end time there is going to be an invasion of Israel by nations from the north. It is a prediction that God Himself is going to intervene in this invasion. So devastating and so complete will be the destruction of this invading army that it will take seven months for them to bury all of the bodies of the slain.

The prediction of the invasion of Gog of Magog into the land of Israel.

The question comes to mind—when is this going to take place? At what point is it going to occur? You will notice in verse 8 we are told specifically that it is going to happen in the latter days. “After many days thou shalt be visited; in the latter years thou shalt come into the land.” This invasion will be in the latter days.

In ver ...

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