by Rich Wooten
Scripture: Ephesians 2:10
This content is part of a series.
Mission 3: Mud Pies and Miracles (3 of 3)
Series: The Heart of God
Rich Wooten
Ephesians 2:10
I remember as a kid playing in the mud. We had a spot in our backyard in Salt Lake City that my brother and I used to play in. Actually more me. I would set up elaborate landscapes, with dams, rivers, and army men, complete with firecrackers. Creating massive floods as the dam is blown up, saving the people downstream (makes me want to go back to my childhood!)...and all this covered in mud. At times head to toe. Have to wash off with the hose and extremely cold Utah water straight from the mountains.
Mud is such a strong attraction to kids and freshly washed dogs. And unfortunately, we find this attraction even to adult hood, but the physical mud is replaced with a much more un-washable nature, memories, habits, broken things, sin.
If we look at the world around us, there is lots of mud covering lots of lives. And it's easy to have the thought, I don't want to get dirty myself.
And who could blame you? I mean, it took a long time for you to get to place where you were clean. In fact, it took so long, you may not remember what it was like to be covered in mud. To be broken. To actually feel the grit of life irritatingly impacting the way you walk, the taste in your mouth, the way you see things. I know that is true because I can certainly feel that way. I have been a pastor for 24 years. Pretty clean. But my heart - yeah not so clean all the time. And that snaps me to reality.
Because it is mostly about the heart anyway. For the past two weeks, we have been wrestling with this idea of mission, our participation with God in the revelation of his heart through the Gospel. Mission is the heart of God. Jesus is the heart of God expressed, and Jesus was all about mission. To all of humanity. To the outcast, the in-crowd, the affluent, the poverty stricken, the forgotten, the important, the broken, the well...you name it, Jesus was there interacting.
I th ...
Series: The Heart of God
Rich Wooten
Ephesians 2:10
I remember as a kid playing in the mud. We had a spot in our backyard in Salt Lake City that my brother and I used to play in. Actually more me. I would set up elaborate landscapes, with dams, rivers, and army men, complete with firecrackers. Creating massive floods as the dam is blown up, saving the people downstream (makes me want to go back to my childhood!)...and all this covered in mud. At times head to toe. Have to wash off with the hose and extremely cold Utah water straight from the mountains.
Mud is such a strong attraction to kids and freshly washed dogs. And unfortunately, we find this attraction even to adult hood, but the physical mud is replaced with a much more un-washable nature, memories, habits, broken things, sin.
If we look at the world around us, there is lots of mud covering lots of lives. And it's easy to have the thought, I don't want to get dirty myself.
And who could blame you? I mean, it took a long time for you to get to place where you were clean. In fact, it took so long, you may not remember what it was like to be covered in mud. To be broken. To actually feel the grit of life irritatingly impacting the way you walk, the taste in your mouth, the way you see things. I know that is true because I can certainly feel that way. I have been a pastor for 24 years. Pretty clean. But my heart - yeah not so clean all the time. And that snaps me to reality.
Because it is mostly about the heart anyway. For the past two weeks, we have been wrestling with this idea of mission, our participation with God in the revelation of his heart through the Gospel. Mission is the heart of God. Jesus is the heart of God expressed, and Jesus was all about mission. To all of humanity. To the outcast, the in-crowd, the affluent, the poverty stricken, the forgotten, the important, the broken, the well...you name it, Jesus was there interacting.
I th ...
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