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by Jerry Vines

Scripture: EZRA 4, EZRA 5, EZRA 6
This content is part of a series.

AGAINST ALL ODDS (Part 3 of 5)
Ezra 4-6
Jerry Vines

The book of Ezra is a remarkable account of a
remnant of the Jewish people who left the land of
captivity, Babylon, and returned back to the land of
promise and to the city of Jerusalem. Their stated
purpose divinely given was to rebuild the temple of
God that the worship of the Lord might be
reestablished among God's people. There are two main
divisions in the book of Ezra. The first six chapters
hang together. And then chapters seven through ten.

Chapters one through six give us the account of
national restoration. The key personality in those
chapters is this man mentioned in verse 2, Zerubbabel
who was a young prince.

Chapters seven through ten give us the story of
spiritual restoration or spiritual reformation and it
tells about the spiritual movement of God that was led
by Ezra, whose name is the title of this book, who was
a young priest of the Lord.

It is remarkable book because it tells about what
God's people, a remnant of them, did ad they returned
and rebuilt the temple of the Lord. In chapter 3 they
have laid the foundation. It is a tremendous victory.
They rejoice and praise God for the victory as the
foundation is laid. Now, you can put the building up
when you get the foundation. Foundations are very,
very important. The Bible says if the foundations be
destroyed, what can the righteous do? It is important
for a family. It is important for a church. It is
important for a nation. It is important for you and
for me as individuals to build upon a very strong,
sure, firm foundation.

You will find in the Bible and also in your personal
experience that while God is a builder, Satan is a
destroyer. God's purpose is to build up and edify.
The devil's purpose is to tear down and destroy. So,
every time God begins to build, you can be sure that
the devil will begin to battle. When God begins to

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