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by Central Christian Church of Arizona

Scripture: 1 John 2:15-29
This content is part of a series.

Walking in the World (3 of 7)
Series: God Is
Cal Jernigan
1 John 2:15-29

Big Idea: Drift happens. Don't lose sight of Jesus!!!

1) Opening Comments

a) Time of Welcome and Greeting

b) Worship Night announcement
i) This Sunday night
ii) Gilbert Campus
iii) 6:00 PM

c) The story of 438 Days

i) On November 17, 2012, two fishermen, one a professional-the other a hired hand, left the coast of Southern Mexico for a fishing trip off in the Pacific.
(1) They were in a small, open boat.
(2) That night, a violent storm ambushed them as they were fishing just eighty miles offshore.
(3) As gale force winds and ten-foot waves pummeled their small boat from all sides and nearly capsized them, captain Salvador Alvarenga and his crewmate began a desperate dash through crashing waves as they sought the safety of port.
(4) Before they made it back, their motor failed...
(5) So they began to drift...

ii) On January 30th, 2014, that is... roughly 14 months later, one of them... Alvarenga, now a hairy, wild-bearded and half-mad castaway, washed ashore on a nearly deserted island on the far side of the Pacific, in the Marshall Islands.

iii) The other guy died many months prior.

iv) Show picture of the boat here.

v) Where are the Marshall Islands?
(1) They are halfway between Hawaii and Australia
(2) That is... 7000 miles from where the journey began!!!
(3) Let's show this on a map...
(a) Started here... ended here
(b) Here's the route he took.

vi) If you are interested,
(1) The story is told in the book 438 Days
(2) Show cover of book here.

vii) That's ending up a long way from where you started!!!

d) Understanding the reality of currents

i) Going to the beach for the first time

ii) There are currents, [forces] ''pulling'' you at you
(1) They are ''powerful''
(2) They are ''invisible''

iii) In other words... THEY ARE SUBTLE, DECEPTIVE, and DANGEROUS!

iv) Learning how to combat this... (what you teach your kids!) ...

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