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by Brian Fletcher

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1-14

Replacing God with Our Idols
Dr. Brian Fletcher
1 Corinthians 10:1-14

Introduction: Old Testament History Lesson

The Israelites had been enslaved by the Egyptians for 400 years. They cry out to God to save them and redeem them from their miserable lives in Egypt. God hears their prayers and raises up Moses to lead the people out of Egypt and into the promise land.

God provides a way of escape from Egypt and the Israelites flee. God guides them on their journey with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. But God leads them to the banks of the Red Sea and they are seemingly trapped. The Egyptians have chased after them and now they can't go any farther because of the Red Sea.

But God continues to prove His faithfulness and literally parts the Red Sea so the Israelites can cross over on dry land. After all the Israelites have crossed over, the Egyptian army starts across as well, except then God closes up the waters and all the Egyptian soldiers die.

Free at last from the slavery and burden of the Egyptians the Israelites begin their journey toward the Promised Land. After just 2 ½ months in the desert the Israelites start grumbling to Moses (and God) about being hungry and wishing they could go back to Egypt where even though they were slaves, they had plenty of food to eat. God continues His faithfulness, He is not going to let the people die of hunger. God provides manna in the desert, bread from heaven, as it were, to feed the Israelites.

As they continued in the desert they get to another camping spot, but this time there is no water. So they grumble against God. But God who is always faithful does something unimaginable. He tells Moses to take the people to a particular rock. With staff in hand, Moses is to strike the rock. When he does, water flows from the rock.

The Israelites get to Mount Sinai. This is the place where God is going to give His words of grace, or better known as the 10 Commandments. But only Moses is allowed to ...

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