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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:41-46
This content is part of a series.

Faithful God (7 of 11)
Series: Standing for the Truth
Stephen Whitney
I Kings 18:41-46

Our English word promise comes from the Latin word 'to send before.' The word promise is defined as: a declaration made by
one person to another, which binds the person who made it to do
a specific act they said they would do.

Jonathan Swift the English writer is best known for his book Gullivers's Travels written in 1726 once said, ''Promises and
pie crusts are made to be broken.'' Over the years it has been shortened to: ''Promises are made to be broken'' because people make them based on their emotions at the moment without thinking about the consequences or how they will keep them.

God makes promises because he always intends to keep them.
God always keeps his promises because:
1. His character to be faithful to keep his word.
2. He has the power to do whatever he wants to do.
3. He is sovereign over everything that takes place.

As a result of God keeping his promises we can always trust him.
God will always keep his word. Puritan Timothy Cruso -
''The being of God may as well fail as the promise of God.''

After more than three years of drought God said that he would
''send rain upon the earth'' once again. This would be proof that Yahweh is the only true God who controls the world he created.

Psalm 147:8 God covers the heavens with clouds;
he prepares rain for the earth . . .

The hymn I Sing The Mighty Power of God by Isaac Watts states:
Clouds arise and tempests blow by order from Thy throne.

John Calvin - ''Everything in nature depends upon the will of God
and the whole course of nature is the carrying out his orders.''

Trust :41
Nothing is said about Ahab's response to the fire from heaven or the killing of the prophets of Baal. It is possible to hear and see the hand of God, but not to be moved to trust him, just like Pharaoh.

Unless the Spirit of God moves the heart of a ...

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