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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Psalm 40

Pulling out of the Pit
Robert Dawson
Psalm 40

We have all heard the saying that life is full of ups and downs. Not only have we heard it but we have experienced it. Life does go up and down but it also has a way of going around and around.

There are times it feels like I am riding a carousel. You step on. Have a seat on your favorite horse or animal. You go up and down but you also go around and around. The scenery from your up and down horse changes every few seconds but eventually it begins to look and feel very familiar. You get the feeling that you have been here before and have seen this too many times.

One place we find ourselves more often than we would like is in the pit of despair. No sooner do we find our way out of a one pit it seems that we quickly find ourselves in another one.

1. The names and faces and circumstances may vary but you know that you've been here before.
2. In again and out again, in again and out again seems to be the drum beat sounding the cadence of our lives.

I don't mean to be a pessimist and am not trying to depress you, it's a gift and comes naturally. It is just reality. Life's familiar ebb and flow lifts us high and lets us down. We are continually passing into and out of one of life's many different scenes or settings. The only way it ends is when the ride is over and we die.

The great question or issue is not whether life has its ups and downs and around and rounds but how we face them and make our way through them.

In Psalm 40 we get a glimpse of this up again down again and around and around again life as we hear the words of David as he celebrates one victory over the pit only to find another one stretched across the road he was traveling.

How are we to deal with the pits of despair that we encounter throughout our lives?

In the opening verses of this Psalm David tells us that he had been in the pit of destruction and stuck in the miry clay (40.2).

1. We are not told what event in Da ...

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