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by Jerry Vines

Scripture: MATTHEW 13:45-46
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Matthew 13:45-46
Jerry Vines

Jesus tells a simple little story here about a merchant man who is on a venture, trying to find
expensive, beautiful gems. He is especially interested in finding pearls. The story which Jesus told says that
on this occasion this man, looking for goodly valuable pearls, finds one pearl of great price. It is so
exquisite, so beautiful, so rare, so valuable, he sells everything he has and he goes and he buys that pearl.
There are few things as valuable as a pearl. It is one of the most valuable of all gems. The word,
pearl, is an interesting word. Pearl (Washington) is her name and if you are named Margaret, your name
also means pearl. And it means pure. The Lord Jesus Christ talked about a pearl on another occasion.
Jesus said, "Don't cast your pearls before swine." He is saying that there is a time when it is inappropriate
to share the valuable pearl of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are some occasions when it
would be casting your pearls before swine.
Jesus talked about the pearl in this simple little story that He gives. He is talking about something
that is very, very valuable.
In reading about the pearl I was interested to read about something that Queen Cleopatra of Egypt
did. She had two magnificent pearl ear rings. They were valued at about a million dollars each. Cleopatra
took these two pearl ear rings, dissolved them in vinegar, and drank them in order to impress Marc
Anthony. That's really something when you can start drinking pearls and drinking a million or two bucks
along the way. Pearls - something very, very valuable.
It is a rather interesting material, is a pearl. But it absorbs and it also reflects light. Jesus uses this
pearl of great price to teach, I think, one of the most bea ...

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