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by Brian Fletcher

Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

The Shepherds Encounter God
Brian Fletcher
Luke 2:1-20


I was reading in my daily devotional which is a prayer guide through the Scriptures. Each day it has you pray for different things and this particular day the prayer was for

World Affairs

1. The poor and hungry
2. the oppressed and persecuted
3. those in authority
4. peace among nations
5. current events and concerns

I started thinking about all the turmoil in the world, especially in the middle east and in Aleppo, Syria. It seems so out of control, so many people dying and suffering. And I was praying, ''Lord, how do you want me to pray for these things?'' I mean there are no easy answers. There is rampant evil in our world working to create conflict, harm people, disrupt peace and pit nation against nation. And at times the evil seems so strong that nothing will be able to stop it.

So, I'm thinking and praying about this and then I was like, ''Wait a minute, there is a Ruler on the Throne of the Universe. The evil that exists in this world is limited, Satan himself in not free to do as he pleases, he's on a short leash, and at the end of that leash is Christ.

We don't have time this morning to go into detail regarding the sovereignty and providence of God, but we do have time to see that God is actively involved in these matters, both around the world and even inside our hearts. And we begin at night in a field with some shepherds and their sheep.

READ LUKE 2:1-20

I wonder if the shepherds had a similar view of the world they lived in that I have. They lived in the middle east, in a country occupied by an external military force. The Jews were often persecuted for their religion, or for just being Jews. As they pondered the world they lived in I wonder what kind of hope they had - what kinds of prayers were they praying as they tended to their flocks by night.

On this particular night the Shepherds were ''interrupted'' by God, you can go back and listen to ...

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