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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:18-24
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Yes and Amen (4 of 31)
Series: 2 Corinthians
Jeff Schreve
2 Corinthians 1:18-24

If you have your Bible, please turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 1. We're in a series that we started several weeks ago on the Book of 2nd Corinthians called Turning Trials to Triumphs. And we're just marching through, just verses at a time learning the things that God wants us to learn.

Now let me ask a question. How many in this audience have a smart phone? Anybody? Does anybody not have a smart phone? Does anybody still have a flip phone, a rotary dial? Anybody have one of those? How many in here have an I-phone? You have an Apple product. Okay. That's what I have. Now, those of you that have an I-phone know that, I think it was just a few years ago when the I-phone 4 came out. It had a new feature, and that new feature was an intelligent assistant. And for the I-phone, the intelligent assistant's name is Siri. And you can ask Siri questions and she will help you find things, and she can give you information. I always try and show off with Debbie about Siri, I can just ask her things and she can just answer me quickly. And sometimes I ask Siri questions like, ''Call Mike.'' She says, ''Calling Mark.'' You know it kind of messes you up sometimes with that, so you've got to be careful. I was just Googling some things and some funny responses from Siri.

I asked Siri today, I said, ''Siri, I am sad.'' She said, ''For this emotion, I prescribe chocolate!'' So I asked her again. I said, ''Siri, I'm sad.'' She said, ''It's your party. You can cry if you want to!'' I thought that was kind of interesting. I said, ''Siri, can you recommend a good phone?'' She said, ''Are you kidding me?'' you know, because this is her phone. I asked this question: I got this off the Internet. I said, ''Siri, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'' She said this: ''As responsible creatures, I suspect woodchucks would encourage the recycling of wood instead of chucki ...

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