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Unlocking Doors with the Gospel Key (17 of 34)
Series: Acts
Robert Dawson
Acts 10-11

Keys are important. If you have ever locked yourself out of the house, the car, the office or your storage shed then you know just how important keys are!

1. They open the door to what has been closed off.
2. They give us access to what has previously been denied.

It is not just a matter of having any old key but having the right key to the right door. This was something I discovered at a very young age.

Growing up we had an old washroom that was just off the kitchen. You would walk down two or three steps into a little dungeon of a room with a concrete floor and unfinished, bare-stud walls. The door had a lock on it but the key hole was on the inside of the room- it must have been the outside entrance to the house before I was born. You could lock people in, which I loved to do.

Well I thought I had discovered the long lost key to that door and herded mom, who was cooking lunch, into the room and uttered this famous last words, ''Hey mom, watch this!'' I shut the door and locked it believing I had the key - only I didn't. I had locked us both in the wash room with no way of escape. It would not have been a major problem, inconvenient but not a major problem, except for the fact mom had some grease on the stove getting hot to fry something.

Our washroom prison was about to become part of a raging inferno. As long as we remained locked in that washroom prison there was certain disaster was waiting on us. We needed someone to come and unlock the door and set us free. We needed someone to open what had been shut so that we could escape the coming and inevitable disaster. Thankfully dad came home for lunch before the fire started and he opened the door and let us out.

There was a door available to us but we did not have access because we didn't have the key.

That statement describes the spiritual condition of many people today, people who are shut up i ...

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