Positive Lessons from a Negative Example
Robert Dawson
Genesis 11.1-9
Have you ever seen someone do something that made absolutely no sense, something that you felt was incredibly stupid or tasteless and then say to yourself, ''I will never do that. I will never make the same mistake? What were they thinking?''
We all have. We have watched people try to do something and then fail miserably at it and make a mental note, file it on the mental hard drive in the old noggin and say, ''I will never try to do that the same way.''
Not only have we seen people do something that made absolutely no sense, something that was incredibly stupid or was just the wrong way to go about a certain task we have been that person. Other people have looked at us and said, ''Yep, never going to do that like they did. Man, what were they thinking?''
Life does not always put before us great success stories to emulate. Sometimes it places before us negative examples or failures so that we learn from them.
1. We can learn from our failures and the failures of others.
2. We can even learn positive lessons from negative examples.
3. Sometimes people succeed but they just succeed at doing the wrong things. We can learn from them.
One of the many, many reason I love the Bible is because it takes a no-holds-barred kind of approach. It shows us the good, the bad and the ugly about its greatest heroes and its greatest villains. Every story is there to teach us something about God, ourselves and life.
One of the epic failures recorded in the Bible, one that was almost a success, is found in Genesis 11.1-9 which is a very familiar story to many us. It is the story of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of the languages.
As we look at that story today I want us to learn some positive lessons that we can apply to our lives and more specifically for our purposes today to the ministry of this faith family.
Genesis 11.1-9 - Now the whole earth used the same language and t ...
Robert Dawson
Genesis 11.1-9
Have you ever seen someone do something that made absolutely no sense, something that you felt was incredibly stupid or tasteless and then say to yourself, ''I will never do that. I will never make the same mistake? What were they thinking?''
We all have. We have watched people try to do something and then fail miserably at it and make a mental note, file it on the mental hard drive in the old noggin and say, ''I will never try to do that the same way.''
Not only have we seen people do something that made absolutely no sense, something that was incredibly stupid or was just the wrong way to go about a certain task we have been that person. Other people have looked at us and said, ''Yep, never going to do that like they did. Man, what were they thinking?''
Life does not always put before us great success stories to emulate. Sometimes it places before us negative examples or failures so that we learn from them.
1. We can learn from our failures and the failures of others.
2. We can even learn positive lessons from negative examples.
3. Sometimes people succeed but they just succeed at doing the wrong things. We can learn from them.
One of the many, many reason I love the Bible is because it takes a no-holds-barred kind of approach. It shows us the good, the bad and the ugly about its greatest heroes and its greatest villains. Every story is there to teach us something about God, ourselves and life.
One of the epic failures recorded in the Bible, one that was almost a success, is found in Genesis 11.1-9 which is a very familiar story to many us. It is the story of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of the languages.
As we look at that story today I want us to learn some positive lessons that we can apply to our lives and more specifically for our purposes today to the ministry of this faith family.
Genesis 11.1-9 - Now the whole earth used the same language and t ...
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