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by Jerry Vines

Scripture: GENESIS 24, GENESIS 24:24

Finding A Bride For Isaac
Genesis 24
Jerry Vines

This 24th chapter of the book of Genesis is the longest chapter in all of the
book. It is also one of the most beautiful love stories recorded in the entire
pages of God's Word. It is the account of Abraham's sending an unnamed servant
to seek a bride for his son, Isaac. Many of the Old Testament stores, although
they are very true, are sometimes used as illustrations of New Testament
truths. You can take an Old Testament story and you can use it to amplify or
help you understand better a New Testament concept. The Bible says that
whatsoever things were written aforetimes were written for our learning that
we, though patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. So, in the
Old Testament, there are certain types and certain pre-pictures which show us
wonderful truths about the gospel and about what Jesus Christ has done for us.
You remember, on the New Testament, the Bible uses the marriage relationship
between the husband and the wife as a picture of the relationship between
Jesus and his bride, the church. The Lord God is very interested that there be
those who come to know his Son, Jesus. God's great enterprise in this world is
to find a bride for his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. So, when you read the
account in Genesis 24 about Abraham seeking a bride for Isaac, his son, you
have a beautiful picture which helps you understand what God is doing in our
age. I want us to take the four main characters of this chapter and around
those characters draw those pictures to help us understand God seeking a bride
for his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. First of all, let's take at look at:
I. Abraham's Determination.
We begin with the will of Father Abraham. The Scripture says that Abraham now
is a very old man. God has kept his promise to Abraham. Just exactly as God
said he would do, he gave to Abraham a son named Isaac. He was a child of
promise. Abraham realizes that if Isaac is to be the ...

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