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Forever Thankful
Jerry Vines
Psalm 103

Since the first Thanksgiving Day was observed by the Pilgrims in 1621, and President Lincoln proclaimed it a national holiday in 1863, Thanksgiving Day has been a vital part of our national life. I've always wondered why the Atheists don't object to Thanksgiving Day, because it is the day when we call attention to our gratitude and thanksgiving to God. I guess of all of the times an Atheist must feel very uncomfortable are those occasions when he feels thankful and he doesn't have anybody to express his gratitude to. But on this day of Thanksgiving we gather together as a nation. We gather in our families and we offer our gratitude and our thanksgiving to God.

Gratitude and thanksgiving to God is a very important exercise. It is something that all of us ought to do. But it is not only just a day of thanksgiving, the Bible also tells us that thanksgiving is something that ought to be an attitude of our heart. Notice back in Psalm 100 and verse 4, it says, ''Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. Be thankful unto him and bless his name.''

The Bible tells us that we should have the attitude of gratitude. In I Thessalonians 5:18 the Bible says, ''In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.'' So, thanksgiving is to be not only a day, but it is also to be an attitude of our hearts. One of the most healthy, fulfilling things you can ever do is to express your thanksgiving unto God. A thankful heart is a happy heart. It is emotionally and psychologically one of the greatest things you can do to be a thankful and a grateful person.

Now, the Lord has given us in the Bible a book which helps us learn to express our praise and thanksgiving to God. I'm referring to the book of Psalms which was the hymnbook of the Jewish people and it is filled with chapters that tell us how to express our thanksgiving unto God. Psalm 103 is one of these Psalms - a ...

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