by Steve Jones
Scripture: Exodus 15:11, 1 Samuel 2:2
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Who Is God? God Is Holy! (5 of 9)
Series: Who Is God?
Steve Jones
Exodus 15:11; 1 Samuel 2:2
INTRODUCTION: Let me start with a video clip this morning. It's one that should ring familiar to many of you who grew up with Sesame Street either as a child or a parent. This is a song entitled, ''One of these things is not like the other'' (Play the clip). There are many, many versions of this song used over the years to teach children how to differentiate. In the clip I used we saw three shells and a crab. The shells are different from the crab. Shells aren't alive, crabs are. Crabs are crustaceans, shells are empty exoskeletons. Crabs are in the animal kingdom. Shells are mostly in the mineral kingdom and consist of calcium carbonate. Crabs can move independently, shells cannot. And so on. But there is at least one thing that crabs and shells have in common. In fact, there is one thing that crabs and shells and the ocean have in common. There is one thing that crabs, shells, the ocean and you have in common. And we could throw in the solar systems as well. They have all been made. They have all been created. Everything you see, hear, touch, taste and smell…has this in common - it has been created. There is only one who doesn't belong on the grid of created things or created stuff - and that one is God. In saying that, we're moving into the realm of ''holiness.''
If you're new to us we're in a sermon series entitled ''Who is God?'' in which we're looking at the various attributes of God. We've talked about God's existence - the cosmological argument, the teleological argument and the historical argument. We've talked about the goodness of God which is his general attitude of benevolence and generosity toward us. We talked about the sovereignty of God and remember we said that sovereignty is lordship, lordship is ownership and ownership is control.
Today I want to turn our attention to the holiness of God. The holiness of God seems to be an especially impor ...
Series: Who Is God?
Steve Jones
Exodus 15:11; 1 Samuel 2:2
INTRODUCTION: Let me start with a video clip this morning. It's one that should ring familiar to many of you who grew up with Sesame Street either as a child or a parent. This is a song entitled, ''One of these things is not like the other'' (Play the clip). There are many, many versions of this song used over the years to teach children how to differentiate. In the clip I used we saw three shells and a crab. The shells are different from the crab. Shells aren't alive, crabs are. Crabs are crustaceans, shells are empty exoskeletons. Crabs are in the animal kingdom. Shells are mostly in the mineral kingdom and consist of calcium carbonate. Crabs can move independently, shells cannot. And so on. But there is at least one thing that crabs and shells have in common. In fact, there is one thing that crabs and shells and the ocean have in common. There is one thing that crabs, shells, the ocean and you have in common. And we could throw in the solar systems as well. They have all been made. They have all been created. Everything you see, hear, touch, taste and smell…has this in common - it has been created. There is only one who doesn't belong on the grid of created things or created stuff - and that one is God. In saying that, we're moving into the realm of ''holiness.''
If you're new to us we're in a sermon series entitled ''Who is God?'' in which we're looking at the various attributes of God. We've talked about God's existence - the cosmological argument, the teleological argument and the historical argument. We've talked about the goodness of God which is his general attitude of benevolence and generosity toward us. We talked about the sovereignty of God and remember we said that sovereignty is lordship, lordship is ownership and ownership is control.
Today I want to turn our attention to the holiness of God. The holiness of God seems to be an especially impor ...
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