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by James Merritt

Scripture: Romans 8:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Forever and a Day (8 of 8)
Series: Reel Grace
James Merritt
Romans 8:1-11


1. I love to read and have ever since I was a small boy, but I am very selective in what I read and one of the very first things I look at in a book is the title. There was a book written recently that had a very interesting title. It was ''The Greatest Day In History.'' I realize if you ask 100 different people what is the greatest day in history you would get 100 different answers. I love the answer that one man gave to this question. He said, ''The greatest day in history would be a tie between the day my first son was born and the day I married my fifth wife.''

2. I picked up this book and was amazed at what this author said was the greatest day in history. It is actually found in the full title of the book which is this, ''The Greatest Day in History: How, on the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month, the First World War Finally Came to an End.'' He said the greatest day in history occurred on November the 11th, 1918. I am not denying that any day any war comes to an end is not a great day, but I have to be honest. I think you are scraping the bottom of the barrel if that is the best you can do.

3. I want to give you my opinion and it is not just held by me, but I think it is held by billions of people around the world. I actually think that today we are celebrating by far and away the greatest day in history. It is a day that actually gave birth to the most unique, religious faith in the history of mankind. On this day, something got released into the world and it hasn't been eliminated yet and from all indications it can't be.

4. One of the unique aspects of Christianity, compared to every other faith movement, is that it traces its origin to one particular event, in one particular moment, on particular day in history. That is just not true for Judaism, Buddhism, Islam or even Atheism. Because of this one event that happened, on this ...

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