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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Mark 1

Jesus, My Father's Day Example
Steve Jones
Mark 1

Introduction: ''Promise Keepers'' is a men's ministry that was founded in 1990 by Bill McCartney, then the head football coach at the University of Colorado. In it's heyday Promise Keepers rallies filled stadiums with men to hear popular Christian speakers and sing manly Christian music. I attended one rally back in 1993. A strange and revealing experience happened to me at one point in that rally. The speaker had everyone stand and stretch and then he gave us this instruction. He said ''Turn to the person you came here with and introduce yourself as you think your father would introduce you.'' I thought that was odd and pretty silly but I'm a fairly compliant person and everyone else was doing it so I turned to the friend I had attended with and I began to introduce myself as I thought my father would have introduced me. Midway through my introduction, I broke down and began to cry. I couldn't finish, I just cried. I didn't know why, and to this day I'm still not sure. I'm normally a pretty stolid person. My emotions are not usually that close to the surface. I mean, sure, I might cry at the end of Old Yeller when Travis has to shoot his own dog because it has the rabies. But who wouldn't cry at that?? If you don't cry in Old Yeller I'm not sure you're a true Christian. But I'm not usually a crybaby. Anyway, whatever was going on with my emotional outburst was somehow wrapped up in this mysterious power, this influence, that our fathers exert over us all of our lives. And the fact is that many, many people, perhaps MOST people, yearn for the APPROVAL of their father, even years after he has passed away; even the children of men who weren't necessarily GOOD fathers. It's mysterious.
Jesus desired the approval of HIS father God in Heaven and received that approval. Today I want to talk about Jesus, My FATHER'S DAY example and how Jesus pleased his father.

This SHOULD be very important to us because Jesus' ...

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